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Organic millet flour 500gr
Product code: ΒΙΟ033Price:2.81€
Delivery in 5 - 7 days
Organic millet flour has a special nutritional value and can be identified with wheat and rice. . Millet flour has a particularly strong flavor reminiscent of hazelnut and is perfect for sweet preparations. Combine it with a little nutmeg and rice flour to create aromatic cookies in a natural way. Making gluten-free bread is mixed with other gluten-free flours. It is difficult to knead and for this reason we can mix it with wholemeal flour or dinkel if we want it to swell.
Candle is one of the favorite foods of vegetarians, because with its fiber it creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach, while at the same time it supplies the body with good quality protein.
Due to the magnesium contained in millet, it is suitable for athletes who train intensively, such as cyclists, long-distance runners who often experience leg cramps.
Millet is a good source of plant protein, it is rich in B-complex vitamins, especially niacin, folic acid and B6. It contains iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc.
Organic millet flour does not contain gluten, so it can replace wheat in the diet of people suffering from celiac disease or other forms of wheat allergy.
The fiber of amber helps reduce the chance of gallstones, reducing the secretion of bile salts which in excess lead to the formation of stone. It also delays the absorption of sugars in the gut, resulting in a gradual increase in blood levels. Millet is an ideal food for people with type 2 diabetes.
Lignans, which are high in millet, are converted by beneficial gut bacteria into substances that also act as heart protectors and reduce the chances of developing various hormone-dependent cancers, especially breast cancer.
Millet has a high content of phosphorus, an inorganic element that performs a variety of functions in the body. Millet has the ability to increase serotonin levels in the body and thus calms the body and improves mood.
Country: Germany