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Royal Jelly 10gr
Product code: 100008Price:13.20€
Delivery in 5 - 7 days
Royal jelly is a natural supplement for our body though significantly more expensive than the common supplements available in pharmacies. It has been shown to be nature’s richest healthy food.
Using Royal Jelly is a natural remedy to restore the body to a proper balance by using a nutritional supplement. It has a positive effect on metabolism, growth and longevity. It regulates and balances the functions of the body, oxygenates cells and increases physical resistance to external attacks and internal abnormalities. It increases physical and spiritual strengths, stimulates memory, endurance, fertility and sexual performance.
The royal jelly is the key to understanding how it is possible to act in seemingly opposite ways (helping insomnia and fatigue sufferers), to regard it as a catalyst that provides the necessary nutrients. ingredients in the body and thereby balances its function and improves metabolism.
A natural remedy is to restore the body to a proper balance by using a nutritional supplement. It has a positive effect on metabolism, growth and longevity. It regulates and balances the functions of the body, oxygenates cells and increases physical resistance to external attacks and internal abnormalities. It increases physical and spiritual strengths, stimulates memory, endurance, fertility and sexual performance.
Royal jelly can help children with anemia, who develop developmental problems in high school, to prepare for tests during recovery.
Royal jelly can help adults prevent seasonal viruses, against depression, anxiety, stress, constipation, impotence and infertility, against menopausal symptoms. It helps against atherosclerosis (control of cholesterol levels), against fatigue, malnutrition and anorexia nervosa. It also helps against muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, diabetes, old age.
Another important factor is its protective role for the liver, possibly anti-cancer activity, enhancement of immune system-antimicrobial activity (mainly against streptococci, staphylococci and E. coli, bacilli coli). It can help stimulate and strengthen the skin (due to collagen-containing wrinkles) and scalp. It is used against headaches, against endocrine disorders and hormonal imbalances. It helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. It lowers cholesterol levels. It can heal bone fractures more easily, heals tissue damage. Used against inflammation, reduces arthritic problems. It is beneficial in cases of reduced memory, improves asthma, provides anabolic support resulting in athletic performance (increased energy, endurance and physical strength), against mental collapse, against ulcers, eczema, reduces allergic symptoms of other causes, preserves beauty.
The recommended dosage is: one teaspoon under the tongue until dissolved, children half a teaspoon and athletes and patients up to two. Required use time is set at 3 months per year.
Royal jelly, as a natural product, is completely harmless, does not cause side effects and addiction. Its strength depends on its freshness. It is maintained at 5oC (home refrigerator) for up to 6 months and is damaged by air, light and metal utensils.
We should keep in mind that royal jelly is not a medicine but a food, but its extremely therapeutic properties make it a substance to which one must be very careful. Honey, for example, can eat as much as it wants, but royal jelly up to half a gram a day.