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Product code: TCP.087Price:1.35€
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Louiza is a medicinal herb that takes care of our health in many ways, as a decoction or oil, since both its flowers and leaves are extremely beneficial to the human body. The flower has a very distinct, clear, fruity aroma that resembles that of lemon. Its taste is bitter, slightly crunchy and aromatic.
Louiza or lemon balm is an excellent herb with significant benefits in detoxifying the body, boosting metabolism, and overall health and overall well-being of the body. It is ideal for stomach and digestive problems, such as indigestion, flatulence, neuralgia and colic in the stomach and intestines. It has digestive, calming and toning properties of the nervous system. It helps in weight loss, it is a diuretic, it is ideal in the fight against cellulite and skin tightening. It stops diarrhea and bleeding. It’s feverish. It relieves migraines. It fights bad breath.
Louiza is an excellent herb with significant benefits in detoxifying the body, boosting metabolism, and overall health and overall well-being of the body.
It has aphrodisiac properties. Use the herb infusion to cleanse the face.
To use louiza or a lemon balm as a beverage you can boil 1 teaspoon of herb in a cup of water and drink 20 minutes before your meals. Drink this beverage for 1-2 months, take a two-week break and continue, depending on the pounds you want to lose.
Louiza can be used as a flavoring in foods and pastries. It is often recommended for flavoring boiled fish and various soups. It also fits with poultry.
From: Greece