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Product code: TCP.063Price:0.55€
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Coriander seeds are often used as a seasoning or as an additive to other foods. The coriander resembles parsley, but has a more intense sweet aromatic taste reminiscent of celery.
Coriander is used in bakery, confectionery, food with artichokes and mushrooms but also in winemaking for the manufacture of ouzo, liqueur and as a flavoring of beer, various cakes. Generally coriander is widely used in Egyptian, Indian and Cypriot cuisine. It is a component of curry and accompanies perfect meats (pork, roast poultry, hunting), hot sauces, cheeses, vegetables and mushrooms. In Algeria the meat is cooked with salt and pepper.
Its seeds help fight stress and migraine, arthritic and muscle aches and colds. It is spasmodic. The coriander has the ability to limit the cramps of the season. Strengthens the immune system and thanks to its high iron content helps fight against anemia. Coriander seeds stimulate the secretion of gastric juices and stimulate the function of the gastrointestinal system, so they are recommended as appetizers and stimulants, nervous anorexia, they are digestive, help with gas in the stomach and intestines and eliminate stomach aches and help with constipation.It is aphrodisiac. Coriander is one of the most effective oral treatments for the detoxification of heavy metals and other toxic contaminants. In pharmacy it is used as a flavoring agent.
We recommend that coriander be better added at the end of cooking, because it loses its intensity when cooked.
From: Syria