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Product code: TCP.066Price:1.00€
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Sage is so widespread in Greece that the French call it “Greek Tea”. Sage is one of the most charismatic and rich in herbs in Greece.
The plant has a strong warm aromatic odor and a pungent taste and is cultivated for its medicinal properties, as a decoction and as a seasoning.
The leaves have antiseptic, expectorant and spasmolytic properties. The plant has stomach, tonic and cardiotonic properties and is also used against neuralgia. It stimulates the nerves, adrenal glands and the circulatory system. It is recommended for all forms of atony and weakness, nervous weakness, tremor, vertigo and neuralgia.
Sage in the form of a decoction is ideal for the treatment of the mouth in case of injuries, fractures, pharyngitis and gingivitis. It reduces intestinal gas. As astringent, stimulating and stimulating, it causes stomach heat, facilitates digestion, stimulates diuresis, speeds up circulation, exerts significant effects on the brain and as an anticonvulsant and soothing medication, relieves irritation and nervous system irritation. anesthetic to the skin. Stops milk production, is antipyretic, spasmolytic, tonic, antidiarrheal and has an estrogenic effect. It also has antibiotic, antifungal, anticonvulsant and hypoglycemic activity. In the ancient world it was used for snake and insect bites to increase female fertility. It stimulates and rejuvenates tired and aching muscles. Relieves cramps.
In cooking it is used for flavoring various broths, foods and vinegar and is also considered a bee-keeping plant providing high quality honey. Its taste is quite peppery and fits very well with oily meats and cheeses.
According to recent research, its use has a positive effect on Alzheimer’s treatment and hyperlipidemia.
From: Greece