Christmas Dishes Around the World
The countdown to Christmas has begun and we all feel the joy and warmth for the family table on Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. Many families have different customs in the tradition of Christmas but today we will go one step further. We will talk about Christmas gastronomic traditions in different countries of the world.
In Ireland, tradition says that a cumin cake is made for every member of the family while the main dish is a spicy piece of beef.
Traditionally in Poland, the main dish of the festive table is “Bigos” a soup containing a variety of meats, mushrooms and cabbage while the appetizer is a beetroot soup.
In France, in addition to traditional dishes such as roast chicken, the Bûche de Noël is served, a dessert made of fresh cream and cake roll, wrapped in roll.
In Sweden the festive table contains a plate of finely fried potatoes and anchovies baked in the oven as well as various cold-eaten pieces of meat.
One of the most popular sweets made in Norway during the festive season is “Julekake”. This sweet bread contains raisins, sugary peels and cardamom.
Spain’s Christmas table includes a turkey roll stuffed with truffles and a nougat with a marzipan cake.
The traditional feast table in Italy consists of the “7 Fish Symposium” where 7 dishes of seafood and fish are prepared and the dessert includes a panetone, a cake containing dried fruit.
In Hungary the traditional sweet is Beigli, a cake roll containing poppy seeds while a main dish is served with carp fillet fillet.
In Mexico, Christmas is not celebrated until January 6, where a cake is made that contains a figure of Christ as an infant and whoever finds it in his piece is called “his godfather” and that means good luck in the new year. Even at the festive dinner one can come across a plate of peppers stuffed with meat covered in a creamy walnut sauce.
These were some of the dishes one would find at a festive table in various countries around the world. As we have seen, different cultures have different traditions in food and some in common. You can get your party table ingredients at our eshop: Traditional Products.